
5 tonne ZERO emission mini excavator by Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe)

Mini Excavator

Hitachi Makes Waves with the Introduction of its latest Mini Excavator for European Markets.

Significantly enhanced efficiency, low maintenance, low noise, and higher productivity compared to conventional models, Hitachi unveils the ZX55U-6EB mini excavator. The machine that carries a rechargeable battery pack (39-kWh lithium ion batteries) has the ability to continue work whilst charging via a CEE 400VAC 3-phase power source a through a wired connection.

This is just the tip of the iceberg with regards to the machine which sports better safety, better comfort, enhanced durability and more power just to mention a few of the more prominent element of this new model. According to senior company personnel, the latest by Hitachi subscribes to an operating weight of 5.3 tonnes and has a significantly enhanced level of manoeuvrability compared to other machines within its class attributed to the short tail swing design which was taken from the diesel powered sister model the ZX55U-6.

According to Hitachi Construction Machinery Europe president Takaharu Ikeda, the ZX55U-6EB mini excavator is a perfect solution where the environment is delicate and has been designed to perform superiorly in residential areas, urban construction sites or project sites where space is an unaffordable luxury. The machine is undoubtedly setting a new   the head of Hitachi distribution Hitachi added that customers will be able to use the excavator in areas where the environment is a priority, such as urban construction sites, residential building and project that revolve around waste material management.

The market response according to Mr Takaharu Ikeda was overwhelming and in line with Hitachi’s objectives which is to meet the growing demand for construction equipment that conforms to zero-emission standards. This was all only possible due to the fact that Hitachi listens to the needs and wants of her customers very carefully. The entire conceptualisation of the new mini excavator revolves around enhanced safety features, reduced life-cycle costs and increased productivity quoted Mr Ikeda. The launch is an indication of the company’s commitment towards “delivering solutions that advocate sustainability” and battery powered products and solutions for Europe are an objective that Hitachi will not undermine.

Hitachi is also working towards brining solutions to the Asian construction realm via construction machinery and mining solutions which are becoming increasingly challenging due to the diverse needs in the region. The development projects within emerging economies have moved into high gear as of 2021 and it is not showing any signs of slowing down. Regulations in these regions with regards to emission and noise are also becoming more stringent and therefore Hitachi is dedicated towards bringing solutions to the table for our Asian partners.

The Hitachi Construction Machinery component of Hitachi Ltd looks at the timely supply of practical products as a mission as this is the only way that the company will be able to cater for the increasingly diverse needs of our clientele not just in Europe, but the entire world. Our customers are faced with the challenge of keeping up with rapidly changing or transforming social and business environments and we see it as a duty to keep them relevant to the clients that they serve.

This could only be achieved by providing equipment that have excellent performance capability and are reliable. It is Hitachi’s goal to offer products and services that fit the challenges faced by the players within the construction realm. The construction industry is going through rapid transformations as new regulations demand machines that are clean and the only practical response are electrical vehicles and most manufacturers have already introduced electric powered or battery powered excavators within the mini excavator hire price category.

The race for the top spot within the electric construction machine category could be said to be heating up vigorously and all for good reason!

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